On the afternoon of September 10, a friend of our family went to the hospital for some bleeding she was having.
A bit of background: she was pregnant with twins, 26.5 weeks pregnant, to be exact.
Yesterday, I found out that the twins were born. And when my husband told me all I could do was pray, I felt that familiar frustration.
Pray? That’s ALL?
Well. Yes. Yes, I know the power of prayer. I understand. But…it just never feels like much, does it?
I texted a few prayer warrior friends. I put up a plea for prayers on my social networks. I contacted our parish office, scheduled some Masses.
And I still felt like something was missing.
Late in the day, I realized that I needed to involve some heavenly friends. But which ones?
I started at my favorite saints resource page and found a page of patrons for September 10.
And from that list, Nicholas of Tolentino leapt out at me. I think he’s their special patron. (Because yes, I’m that big a dork. If all I can do is pray, then pray I shall do!!!)
St. Nicholas was known as a healer and had a reputation for resurrecting dead children. I can’t help but think that he must have really liked kids.
I have a special place in my heart for babies, for moms, and for the loss of children. Don’t ask. (Or ask, and read.)
So I propose that we begin a novena.
We’ll pray for the intercession of Nicholas of Tolentino for the next nine days.
Include your intercessions in the comments, if you want, and know that I’ll include them as I pray for these twins and their family.
Here’s what we’ll pray:
O God, source of strength and courage, you gave your beloved preacher, Saint Nicholas of Tolentino, the conviction of faith to the very end. Grace us with the ability to translate your teaching into action, remain patient amid hardship, serve the poor and those who suffer, and live as your true and faithful servants. Saint Nicholas of Tolentino, pray for us.
And if you want to follow that with an Our Father, a Hail Mary, and a Glory Be…hey, it never hurts anything.
Thanks to everyone who joins us!
I need St. Nicholas of tollentino to help me in a very serious issue, please intercede for me