When I think of summer, a few things come immediately to mind: sand in cracks and crevices, itchy scratchy bites, corn towering in walls all around, water in various large forms, and books. Lots and lots and LOTS of books.

I read all year long. In fact, I may get more reading done in the cold months than I do in the heat of summer, but I’ve never gotten over my past tendencies to spend the long summer break with a tower of books.

This summer, I get to share a book that I actually read last summer, when the author sent it to me for review. When it arrived, a REAL BOOK and not just an early version on my Kindle, I was so excited. It sat on my desk and waited, taunting me.

“Don’t you want to revisit me?” it seemed to be saying to me as I worked and piled papers on top of it to shut. it. up.

Dare I say this is dystopian done right? Why yes, I do. Call this my summer pick for you: Under the Watchful Sky, by Roger Thomas. #yourewelcome

Under the Watchful Sky, by Roger Thomas, is filled with characters who you know by the end, people you find yourself turning to and maybe even conversing with throughout the story. There are tears involved, and there are plot twists that may make you say strong language words out loud.

(These are elements that make a good book, in my world.)

This is a book that will own you for the first reading and then beg you for a second time through. (I’ll be picking it up during my “week off” very soon. Because I’m taking my own advice and reading it a second time.)

It’s not only engaging, but also suspenseful. You’ll intend to stop reading and find yourself staying awake for one…more…chapter…and then another one…

Dare I say it’s dystopian done right? Yes, yes I do.

Go and find some sand (even if it’s on the back porch, dragged in from the backyard sandbox) and dig into this book. Or hey, get comfy in the a/c and pour yourself a cold beverage of choice. You won’t be sorry you did.