Silence and Tears: On the Pain and Joy of Death
In which I reflect on the recent death of my grandmother, a woman who was one of the most influential in my life.
Read Moreby Sarah Reinhard | Mar 26, 2018 | Faith, family | 19 |
In which I reflect on the recent death of my grandmother, a woman who was one of the most influential in my life.
Read Moreby Guest | Feb 21, 2016 | Books, Faith, guest post, Lent Resources, writing | 2 |
Have you ever considered fiction as Lenten reading? Michelle Buckman shares thoughts on that and what inspired her to write a novel that’s perfect for Lent.
Read Moreby Sarah Reinhard | Mar 12, 2014 | Faith, Inspired by the Virgin Mary, Lent Resources, writing | 0 |
A few years ago, my Lent began in an unfamiliar house, face-to-face with a woman who was living my...
Read Moreby Sarah Reinhard | Jun 20, 2012 | Books, Reviews | 2 |
*Idea shamelessly stolen from Jen *Collage awkwardly made at Until Lily (Lily...
Read Moreby Sarah Reinhard | Jan 3, 2012 | family | 1 |
Dear Allen, Today is your day. And we remember. As we look at the beauty of the day, as we...
Read Moreby Sarah Reinhard | Jun 1, 2011 | Books, Reviews | 6 |
I had never really considered grieving for children before I became the bystander. In the wake of a sudden and unexpected family death, two of my nieces became case studies in children grieving. I have felt, in the last...
Read Moreby Sarah Reinhard | Mar 16, 2011 | family | 5 |
March 16 has long been a day I remember with a mixture of fondness and grief. I’m grateful for this day, though it marks sorrow. It was on this day that I witnessed the importance of life and the courage of people I would...
Read Moreby Sarah Reinhard | Jan 24, 2011 | Inspired by the Virgin Mary, Mary Moment Mondays | 1 |
a Mary Moment Monday post January 22 marked the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. It’s a day dear to me for another reason, and it’s made even more significant by the fact that we continue to grieve for Allen. The story of...
Read Moreby Guest | Dec 23, 2010 | Advent Resources, Faith, guest post | 3 |
I’ve been a fan of Ginny Moyer’s for as long as I’ve known her (I interviewed a while back, if you’re interested). Her wonderful book, Mary and Me, is one that I recommend wholeheartedly, and her blog is...
Read Moreby Sarah Reinhard | Nov 15, 2010 | Inspired by the Virgin Mary, Mary Moment Mondays | 1 |
Part of the Mary Moment Monday series The feast of Mary as Mother of Divine Providence is celebrated this Friday, November 19, which coincides with the opening of a movie we’ve been waiting for. Forgive me for having a...
Read Moreby Sarah Reinhard | Oct 13, 2010 | Farm Life, Inspired by the Virgin Mary | 2 |
This year, I’m appreciating fall in a new way. I credit my sister-in-law, the one who has moved back to Ohio after seven years away from our version of fall, with this heightened awareness of the beauty around me. I...
Read Moreby Sarah Reinhard | Sep 13, 2010 | Inspired by the Virgin Mary, writing | 2 |
Another in the Mary Moment Monday series This week, on September 15, we celebrate one of my favorite feasts of Mary, the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. She’s a special Mary to me, one who’s close to my heart, who...
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