Three things, three smiles
What would it take to smile three times today? Here are some ideas and some reasons to give it a whirl!
Read Moreby Sarah Reinhard | Nov 14, 2019 | reflection | 1 |
What would it take to smile three times today? Here are some ideas and some reasons to give it a whirl!
Read Moreby Sarah Reinhard | Dec 23, 2014 | Faith | 2 |
In the midst of the hustle and bustle, the chaos and clutter, the preparations and perpetual...
Read Moreby Sarah Reinhard | Dec 22, 2014 | Advent Resources, Faith, reflection, writing | 0 |
I’ve had perhaps the worst Advent in the history of ever in terms of doing what I set out to...
Read Moreby Sarah Reinhard | Apr 16, 2012 | Inspired by the Virgin Mary, Mary Moment Mondays | 0 |
A Mary Moment Monday post Ah, Lent is over. We leave the desert for the feast. And I find myself...
Read Moreby Sarah Reinhard | May 10, 2011 | Books, Reviews | 7 |
Sharing about my struggle with depression has been something I’ve done hesitantly at best. In part, it’s an intensely personal journey, and one that I’m not sure is best aired here (or anywhere except in my own...
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