Tag: life in the present moment

Brought to My Knees

I heard the garage door go up. And then it went down. I hollered for the three-year-old, who was happily playing in my mother-in-law’s garage with the dog, to stop. The garage door went up and down again. And then again....

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So Little Room

A weed needs so little room to take root. It doesn’t even need proper soil, near as I can tell. Just a little sliver of space, maybe some moisture, a bit of sun, and wah-lah: Weed Central. You see them on the side of roads where...

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What You’re Missing

Maybe you’ve noticed that I’m less active on Twitter and Facebook since Lent started. It’s not that I’ve given them up for Lent (as you know if you saw my flurry of excitement the other day about my book...

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