It’s a half-full/half-empty kind of day, and I’ll admit, right up front, that the wackiness is likely to come out, whether your interaction with me is here or on the phone or in person or, well, whatever your interaction is with me today.

Take 1
My Toddlerina Alarm Clock had me up and was back asleep in her crib in plenty of time to be downstairs for my full morning prayer routine, despite the fact that I had thought, seriously, and, I thought, justifiably, about sleeping in for an hour this morning.

Take 2
It rained last night, and I know this because it rained in my kitchen, thanks to some sort of leak? dumped bucket? missing roof?

Take 3
I cleaned up the kitchen in the time it took to make my coffee, still managed to get the dishes put away, and had my full prayer time and writing time with time left for blogging.

Take 4
Did I mention two loads of laundry?

Take 5
The lesson, first thing, seems to be one of trust and prayer and rolling with the punches using the grace that’s all around me.

Take 6
Any coincidence that I felt, last night, like one more thing would be too much, like there was no more room in my arms or on my back for any extra burdens, like life might just be my undoing if it didn’t kill me first?

Take 7
Any coincidence that it’s Lent?

Visit Jen at Conversion Diary for this week’s comprehensive and much-acclaimed round-up of 7 Quick Takes.