Outside my window: The sun is just cresting the horizon. There’s a gray mist on the far field and pink and yellow above the tree line.
Around the house: It’s quiet. But not for much longer.
What I’ve been writing: Oh my word. This and that and what I can. I’ve been trying to keep my Sarah Reinhard Twitter feed updated with all the links, so if you’re bound and determined to follow me, you can look there. (That said, my peerybingle Twitter feed is where I’m yakking and sharing fun things like the anticipation of pooptivities.)
In my kitchen: There is a mess waiting to happen, because today is Corn Preservation Day. Our garden has yielded nada, but down the road, an enterprising teenager has a whole field of lovely sweet corn, two bushels of which are shucked and in my fridge, promising work and winter eating joy.
In my thoughts: I’ve been thinking a lot about the challenges we faced in early 2010 with the unexpected death of our brother-in-law and our daughter’s health challenges. I did some writing about it recently and walked around in tears for a day. Strangely, it was almost cleansing. And now it’s on my mind, in the background of my thoughts for the last few days.
In my plans: Corn preservation. Lots of writing. Juggling children. Staying inside where the a/c is quite nice.
In thanksgiving: For the hilarity of life with young children. For the ongoing challenge and joy of being a Boy Mom. For friends who pray with and for me.
In my prayers: A very special young lady. A friend. My sanity.
Nose inserted: I have been reading like a crazy woman this summer (huzzah!), but in the last week, it’s slowed to what’s probably a more normal-for-the-coming months pace. (Guess I shouldn’t have bumped up my Goodreads Reading Challenge Goal for the year, huh?) Right now:
- Gulliver’s Travels, via the ever-delightful Just the Books podcast (fiction)
- The Tripods Attack!, by John McNichol (YA fiction)
- The Imitation of Mary: In Four Books, by Thomas a Kempis
- Open the Door: A Journey to the True Self, by Joyce Rupp
Recent reads: I no sooner started blogging at Happy Catholic Bookshelf (remember that? from weeks ago?), looking at the pile on my desk of books to be reviewed, and I found myself with NO TIME TO BLOG ABOUT BOOKS. Well. August is here. Mwahaha. Here are my latest few reads (with the solemn promise to blog soonish):
- Till We Have Faces, by C.S. Lewis (fiction)
- The Secret Cardinal, by Tom Grace (fiction)
- Follow You, Follow Me: Why Social Networking Is Essential to Ministry, by John Voelz (reviewed here)
- Buddy: How a Rooster Made Me a Family Man, by Brian McGory
A favorite thing: Fresh sweet corn.
Food for thought: “The Lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I lack.” (The rest is here.)
Worth a thousand words:
Shameless self-promotion: On Fridays, I’m hosting Family Fun Fridays. Last week was the debut, and you can still join in the linky-fun. See you then?
This post is linked to the Catholic Woman’s Almanac at Suscipio (with thanks to Jenny for pointing it out to me in the combox!).
Hi Sarah, lovely daybook Sarah. {I would love to see you link up with Suscipio.}
Mmmm, sweet corn. I love fresh corn in a black bean salsa. Friendly corn eatin’ for children in braces.
Ah, a boy mom. I had 3 girls first and then, The Boy. He may be the child voted “most likely to make mom grow in the virtues necessary for heaven!”
Hey Jenny! Thanks for your comment! I didn’t realize Suscipio was doing the Catholic Woman’s Almanac…going right over to link up! Woohoo! 🙂
Just curious…how do you preserve your corn?
Amy, I boil it for for three minutes, then pop it into a sink o’ cold/icy water, then scrape it off, then bag it, then freeze it, then dive in with both hands when I cook it later. 🙂
i requested the book Till We Have Faces at my local library (they had to hunt it down at another branch) and it is waiting for me there…I am going to read it because I saw that you had recently done so and read your review and others and am excited to start it! Any insights you’d like to share?
I hope you love it as much as I did! I don’t know that I have any insights: in typical C.S. Lewis fashion, he took me a few mental places I had NO INTENTION of going and stretched my brain in good ways. I’d love to hear what you think of it after you read it!