To develop the interior life fully, one must offer to God that last ‘but.’ This total offering, without reserve is the condition for the complete development of the life of grace. Event the slightest obstacle can keep the soul from flying upward with the wings of a dove. Moreover, the dove can rise only to a specific height, while in relationship to God, as long as the soul places no obstacles, there is no limit to its advance in the love of God. God himself raises it up in love.
From God we receive at every moment all that is necessary for us in the natural and supernatural order. It is fitting that we would give all that we have received in offering to God, so that in our lives there would be no ‘but.’ Every reservation and attachment to anything or anyone is a hindrance.
Saint Maximillian Kolbe, Will to Love
via today’s Mary Vitamin
We love St. Max over here! Thanks for posting these words!