The point is, we all get confused sometimes. Most of us are quick to admit we’re not perfect – as long as we don’t have to talk specifics. But when someone points out a flaw in our lives, we’re not nearly so calm. And unlike my good-natured son, we’re not all that likely to laugh off the criticism either. Instead, we go all stiff and huffy. Or we go ballistic, shooting off our mouths in an attempt to shoot down their theories. “That is simply not true,” we say, listing the reasons. When that doesn’t work, we go on the offensive, listing their faults. “Get the log out of your own eye, Paul Bunyan!” we shout, then run for cover.

But Martha, to her eternal credit, didn’t do that when Jesus corrected her that day in the living room. Or at least I don’t think she did.

When he observed, “You are worried and upset about many things… Mary has chosen what is better and it will not be taken away from her,” there’s no rebuttal recorded from Martha. No sputtering reply. In fact, the entire incident ends with the words of Jesus’ rebuke.

The Bible doesn’t tell us how Martha responded that day. But I’m convinced Martha received the rebuke of Jesus humbly and learned from it. I believe that Martha had a teachable heart – for nothing else could explain her mysterious transformation into the Martha of John 11 and 12.

Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World, by Joanna Weaver

Boy, does this hit home! I am quick to tell you I’m not perfect…but we don’t have to start a list, do we? That first paragraph is me, plain and simple.

I had never thought about learning from Martha’s response to Jesus’ rebuke. This was a paradigm shift for me, and I had to stop my reading and think about this. Martha doesn’t talk back? Well, there goes my saying I’m like Martha! Me, not talk back? Me, have a humble heart? Me, walk away from the rebuke and come back transformed?

With God, all things are possible. Even if they don’t seem probable.