Outside my window
The sky is lightening and the air is crisp, but the weatherman promises a beautiful day)
In my thoughts
Memories of weekend fun with family, anticipation of weekend fun with family 🙂
In thanksgiving
For my family, all of it: the good and the bad, the fun and the painful, the easy and the challenging. For my heavenly family, whose prayers get me through the hurdles. For the start of a week that will shower blessings: a first birthday, a once-a-year visit, a wedding.
Kitchen meanderings
Have I mentioned that the kitchen and I aren’t seeing eye to eye? My goal this week is to eat. The problem is, I’m not sure just what we’re going to eat. That said, there are only a few nights where I need to worry about it, because of the unplanning that goes into having out-of-town family in town at last! 🙂
On my body
Jammies and my fuzzy red robe, complimented with my warm slippers
Using my creative powers
Mary Moments: the Rosary Edition is going live this week (but you can still send in your submissions to peerybingle [at] gmail [dot] com, as long as you’re in by Tuesday afternoon!), and that’s at the top of my list. I also have some Divine Mercy meanderings rattling around (and needing to come out), and there’s the creativity of figuring out how to get certain must-get-done projects done while juggline other should-get-done things and a certain grumpy preschooler…
Going places
This week, where we’re going is, on the one hand, completely laid out, and, on the other hand, an adventure waiting to happen. We’re going all the usual places, but we’re also going to the airport on Wednesday, to begin the Visit of Much Anticipation (continued from last time, as far as Babs is concerned). Once we go to the airport, we’ll be going down Memory Lane and attempting to stop (or at least slow down) time so we can cherish and appreciate and hug.
Nose inserted
I’m hoping to finish Auralia’s Colors, by Jeffery Overstreet, today, and I’m still working my way through Home Education, by Charlotte Mason (if I read it too fast, it won’t matter that I’ve read it, but wow, I didn’t know I could dogear so much…oh wait, yes I did). There’s a possibility I’ll pick up something from my big enticing library pile this week, but then, there’s a possibility that my nose will stay un-inserted and planted behind my camera! 🙂
Hopes and dreams
Ah, it’s one of those mornings where I am feeling the hope of the week ahead, the joy of sitting at my kitchen table while sunrise streams through the front windows, but I can’t articulate it beyond the fact that, for right now, I hope and dream that I get my shower before the baby wakes up. 🙂
Special intentions
A rosary for my family, prayers for mothers (especially Elizabeth, Kate, Aunt Lissa, and V), and Prince Charming
In my ears
The sound of the dryer (I didn’t get my clothes off the line last night, and now they’re full of dew, so that load I did thinking I would hang it out this morning had to settle for the dryer, lest it be forgotten and require rewashing) and the silence of early morning
Around the house
The living room has remnants of yesterday morning’s Daddy-Babby fest, which included squeals and looking through old (and I mean old – Aunt Lissa and Uncle Dee were her age!) albums, and I’m hesitant to pick it up just yet…there’s something I need to capture in my mind about it, some memory of my own that I need to tease out. The kitchen has piles of folded clothes waiting patiently for me to put them away. And I will…probably tomorrow afternoon when I’m working from home. The bathroom still smells of Prince Charming’s aftershave, and when I go to take my shower, I’ll breathe it in and say a prayer for him as I smile and thank God for the gift he is in my life.
Movin’ and shakin’
This is my exercise block. Don’t fall over in shock…I did make a New Year’s resolution to start exercising, after all! So last week, inspired by Father Roderick’s advice in episode 1 of Healthy Catholic, I found a step counter on Amazon and clicked it to my house (then I find out I could have had one for free…sigh). Yesterday, I put it on my waistband and fought off the curious assistant (“Can I have it, Mommy?” “No.” “Paaaaahhhleeeezze?” “No.” And then, there was a silence which can only indicate plotting and planning…so I’m keeping it safe!), and recorded it. This week, my goal is to figure out what my average is for a day, and then I’ll increase it by some percentage for next week. (Wow, it took a long time to say that. It’s a pretty simple thing, but look how many words I used! Wonder if there’s a finger-clicking counter?)
A favorite thing
The new Genius feature in iTunes 8…I have been making playlists and saving them to my iPod (not that I listen to much music, but still…) and making more playlists and adding them together and having all sorts of fun!
For the rest of the week
My mental goal this week is to stay calm and peaceful, which is always easier said than done. It promises to be the sort of week that my Must-Plan-Everything mentality will hate…and the sort of week that my Enjoy-Going-with-the-Flow side (a very small side of me!) will love.
Worth a thousand words
We went to visit Nama and Poppa (who have “grown up” to be Grandma and Grandpa now, though I think, like me, they hold on to the original pronunciations), and had many moments with Aunt Nenny and Uncle Bookworm (I really need to work on those blog-names, don’t I?)
The sky is lightening and the air is crisp, but the weatherman promises a beautiful day)
In my thoughts
Memories of weekend fun with family, anticipation of weekend fun with family 🙂
In thanksgiving
For my family, all of it: the good and the bad, the fun and the painful, the easy and the challenging. For my heavenly family, whose prayers get me through the hurdles. For the start of a week that will shower blessings: a first birthday, a once-a-year visit, a wedding.
Kitchen meanderings
Have I mentioned that the kitchen and I aren’t seeing eye to eye? My goal this week is to eat. The problem is, I’m not sure just what we’re going to eat. That said, there are only a few nights where I need to worry about it, because of the unplanning that goes into having out-of-town family in town at last! 🙂
On my body
Jammies and my fuzzy red robe, complimented with my warm slippers
Using my creative powers
Mary Moments: the Rosary Edition is going live this week (but you can still send in your submissions to peerybingle [at] gmail [dot] com, as long as you’re in by Tuesday afternoon!), and that’s at the top of my list. I also have some Divine Mercy meanderings rattling around (and needing to come out), and there’s the creativity of figuring out how to get certain must-get-done projects done while juggline other should-get-done things and a certain grumpy preschooler…
Going places
This week, where we’re going is, on the one hand, completely laid out, and, on the other hand, an adventure waiting to happen. We’re going all the usual places, but we’re also going to the airport on Wednesday, to begin the Visit of Much Anticipation (continued from last time, as far as Babs is concerned). Once we go to the airport, we’ll be going down Memory Lane and attempting to stop (or at least slow down) time so we can cherish and appreciate and hug.
Nose inserted
I’m hoping to finish Auralia’s Colors, by Jeffery Overstreet, today, and I’m still working my way through Home Education, by Charlotte Mason (if I read it too fast, it won’t matter that I’ve read it, but wow, I didn’t know I could dogear so much…oh wait, yes I did). There’s a possibility I’ll pick up something from my big enticing library pile this week, but then, there’s a possibility that my nose will stay un-inserted and planted behind my camera! 🙂
Hopes and dreams
Ah, it’s one of those mornings where I am feeling the hope of the week ahead, the joy of sitting at my kitchen table while sunrise streams through the front windows, but I can’t articulate it beyond the fact that, for right now, I hope and dream that I get my shower before the baby wakes up. 🙂
Special intentions
A rosary for my family, prayers for mothers (especially Elizabeth, Kate, Aunt Lissa, and V), and Prince Charming
In my ears
The sound of the dryer (I didn’t get my clothes off the line last night, and now they’re full of dew, so that load I did thinking I would hang it out this morning had to settle for the dryer, lest it be forgotten and require rewashing) and the silence of early morning
Around the house
The living room has remnants of yesterday morning’s Daddy-Babby fest, which included squeals and looking through old (and I mean old – Aunt Lissa and Uncle Dee were her age!) albums, and I’m hesitant to pick it up just yet…there’s something I need to capture in my mind about it, some memory of my own that I need to tease out. The kitchen has piles of folded clothes waiting patiently for me to put them away. And I will…probably tomorrow afternoon when I’m working from home. The bathroom still smells of Prince Charming’s aftershave, and when I go to take my shower, I’ll breathe it in and say a prayer for him as I smile and thank God for the gift he is in my life.
Movin’ and shakin’
This is my exercise block. Don’t fall over in shock…I did make a New Year’s resolution to start exercising, after all! So last week, inspired by Father Roderick’s advice in episode 1 of Healthy Catholic, I found a step counter on Amazon and clicked it to my house (then I find out I could have had one for free…sigh). Yesterday, I put it on my waistband and fought off the curious assistant (“Can I have it, Mommy?” “No.” “Paaaaahhhleeeezze?” “No.” And then, there was a silence which can only indicate plotting and planning…so I’m keeping it safe!), and recorded it. This week, my goal is to figure out what my average is for a day, and then I’ll increase it by some percentage for next week. (Wow, it took a long time to say that. It’s a pretty simple thing, but look how many words I used! Wonder if there’s a finger-clicking counter?)
A favorite thing
The new Genius feature in iTunes 8…I have been making playlists and saving them to my iPod (not that I listen to much music, but still…) and making more playlists and adding them together and having all sorts of fun!
For the rest of the week
My mental goal this week is to stay calm and peaceful, which is always easier said than done. It promises to be the sort of week that my Must-Plan-Everything mentality will hate…and the sort of week that my Enjoy-Going-with-the-Flow side (a very small side of me!) will love.
Worth a thousand words