Poopy in the pants that, when you take off said pants, smears under someone’s chubby feet all over a friend’s bathroom floor.
Running out of wipes while out visitin’. You know, because you thought someone was pretty much potty-trained.
That unidentified glob that came out of her nose onto her finger and then went straight into her mouth.
The dog, who eats dead things out of the yard, up on the table. (But, thankfully, not using the table as his potty, like he was a few months ago!)
The bugs, out of their slow-moving hibernating state, taking over the house, and the shrieking of an unnamed two-year-old family member every time she sees a “SPIDER!” (Spider is defined as anything that is a bug. No idea where she learned that reaction!)
The crust underneath the lid of the toilet, which has been sadly neglected since I started my first trimester sleeping exercises.
Ewwww! Thanks for the warning and oddly, the chuckle. 🙂 Oh how I wish I only had spiders….we had a lizard in the house not too long ago….YIKES!!! You can’t just squish those!!
Definitely EWWWWWW! I can so relate to your posting. I’ve gone through the very same things in my house except for the crust under the toilet is not because I’m pregnant but because I feel like I’ve only been home to sleep and pack lunches!
EWWWWWWWWWWWWW LOL great post though! I look forward to reading more ewwws in the future!