It’s hard to believe, but I’ve been here a year! So, because I have nothing better to do (loud guffaws in the background as the dust bunnies get a little loud under the couch), I thought I’d compile a list of a few posts from the last year:
- My first post, a year ago today: God must really love me!
- I never thought I’d be able to write about my experience with seeing that small white casket, but I have, and I’ve found there are more words there than I thought at first. So this is actually a collection of related posts: Small White Casket, Susan’s Story, In Honor of Lucas, In Memory of Logan, Easter Tribute for Darren
- A reflection that still ‘splains how I feel at Mass, especially when I’m traveling: Yeah, that’s my kid…
- Something I have to remind myself to do, over and over: Let go and let God!
- Living in an old farmhouse has its perks, in that I have a tangible way to see my soul: The Old Farmhouse of My Soul
- Don’t want to leave out our canine “family members” (reluctantly though I type that phrase): Jack Russell Terror
- Because it’s almost that time of year, again: Vacation Hangover Remedies
- Why did I have kids? Well, it sure wasn’t because I thought I would! Why I Had Children and then the follow-up, Children are a GIFT
- For those of you who can’t read enough about farm life here: The Barn
- Was Jesus a toddler? Yeah, I guess so. It helps me to remember that: Jesus, the Toddler
- Navel-gazing wouldn’t be complete without sentimentality: On the Day Your First Child is Born
- Getting to know me is getting to know all of me, right? The Voices in My Head, an Introduction
Happy Blogiversary Sarah!