It is time to look inside ourselves and become true friends to each other. In order to be capable of giving friendship you need to know about yourself deeply, to discover who you are and be able to talk about it without being afraid.

Let us uncover the idols that devour us inside and in the end leave us completely alone: selfishness, pride, superiority and the “couldn’t-care-less attitude.” We must rediscover that part of every man and woman capable of loving with tenderness, goodness, and mercy. Everyone desires to have someone who loves him and is capable of building a friendship; someone that knows how to bring forth life. But if we cannot communicate with simplicity who we are, those with whom we live cannot know or love us. Therefore, an indispensable tool for every relationship is communication. In order to learn to love, one needs to learn to communicate honestly to know himself. Without the possibility to communicate we feel alone and abandoned, without conversation we miss one of the fundamental conditions to carry on a good, loving, and strong relationship. How can we possibly say we love our wife, girlfriend, children, friend, or the elderly if we do not work on confrontations with other people? If someone silences the one who is talking, he has not understood in his heart what life is really about and misses true freedom. He who does not want to bring out the love that is in his heart cannot say he is able to love. You can measure the greatness of a person by the quality of love he knows how to give – someone who really loves is able to look past his own desires; someone who becomes a gift to others.

Sister Elvira Petrozzi