A Mary Moment Monday post

Valentine’s Day is a big deal around my house. From the time she could recognize a heart, my seven-year-old has been asking me to cut them out for her. She decorates piles of them. One year, she sent them to everyone in the family.

This year has been no different. From about January 2, she’s been cutting out hearts, drawing hearts, decorating hearts, and thinking of Valentine’s Day.

She’s been talking about who’s in her class and who else gets Valentines. She’s been planning and drawing and thinking and talking.

I used to be cynical about Valentine’s Day, but my daughter has changed my heart. Her enthusiasm has warmed me to a holiday that used to make me roll my eyes.

Here, in the longest short month of the year, we have a reprieve of the gray days and the gloom around us. We have candy unbounded, colorful hearts, and the reminder to love.

From my children, I see what God has in mind for love. They are unconditional and open with their love. They don’t hesitate to give everyone a paper heart with sparkles and special embellishments. It doesn’t even have to be Valentine’s Day: they are this way all year long!

On Valentine’s Day, I have a special reason to stop and pause, to remember what it means to be excited about this feast day.

How much must God love me, that he not only blessed me with these children, but also with the many other people who grace my life with moments of joy and sharing? How often do I really express my love to those people who hold my heart?

Looking to Mary, I see an example of love, the complete picture. She had eros with God, and she also had agape. She’s the model for me of what my Valentines should contain this year.

And the Valentine I can give her is to abandon myself more completely to her heart. If I let go, she’ll lead me right to him.