It’s been ENTIRELY too long since I’ve done a fun picture post.
And hey, it’s Quick Takes Friday! Double win!
Add to that the fact that it’s Friday in the Octave of Easter = bacon, baby!!! (Or ham, at the very least.)
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He is Risen! That means we Reinhards get out fancy duds and take squinty pictures facing the sun after Mass.
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My girls.
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Why no, we CAN’T just ice cupcakes. There is ART involved. (And, yes, DRAMA.)
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They were worth the wait. This is less than half of what my nine-year-old made. She iced these, and let her six-year-old sister help with some others.
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Orange is a religion with this one. (And no, I did NOT wash all those basketballs in my washer.)
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He’s still a mancub to ME.
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We call this the Nephew Train.
Visit Conversion Diary for more Quick Takes!