It’s been ENTIRELY too long since I’ve done a fun picture post.

And hey, it’s Quick Takes Friday! Double win!

Add to that the fact that it’s Friday in the Octave of Easter = bacon, baby!!! (Or ham, at the very least.)

— 1 —

He is Risen! That means we Reinhards get out fancy duds and take squinty pictures facing the sun after Mass.

He is Risen! That means we Reinhards get out fancy duds and take squinty pictures facing the sun after Mass.

— 2 —

My girls.

My girls.

— 3 —

Why no, we CAN'T just ice cupcakes. There is ART involved. (And, yes, DRAMA.)

Why no, we CAN’T just ice cupcakes. There is ART involved. (And, yes, DRAMA.)

— 4 —

They were worth the wait. This is less than half of what my nine-year-old made. She iced these, but let her six-year-old sister help with some others.

They were worth the wait. This is less than half of what my nine-year-old made. She iced these, and let her six-year-old sister help with some others.

— 5 —

Orange is a religion with this one. (And no, I did NOT wash all those basketballs in my washer.)

Orange is a religion with this one. (And no, I did NOT wash all those basketballs in my washer.)

— 6 —

He's still a mancub to ME.

He’s still a mancub to ME.

— 7 —

We call this the Nephew Train.

We call this the Nephew Train.

Visit Conversion Diary for more Quick Takes!