Am I abusing you by sending you over to my Register blog? Well. Maybe so. I’m there on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.

This week:

Br. Guy and Fr. Paul

Br. Guy and Fr. Paul

An Interview with the Authors of Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial?

This was apparently an opportunity for comments based ONLY ON THE TITLE OF THE BOOK instead of on the actual interview. Ahhh, well. You’ll get that, I s’pose. It’s next on my reading pile, and after interviewing these two scientists I can’t wait!

Here’s a little sampling of the interview:

In the years that you’ve been on staff at the Vatican Observatory, what’s been the biggest surprise you’ve faced?

Guy: I had been a scientist for nearly 20 years when I joined the Jesuits; and I was tired of doing science at that point. The biggest surprise to me has been how wonderful it’s been to be a scientist as a Jesuit. I have discovered, again, the joy and fun that had attracted me to science in the first place.

Paul: I joined the Observatory five years ago.  During those five years, the biggest surprises and joys have had to do with living in Italy: the people, the culture, the food. It’s been a series of delightful surprises.

Read the rest.


Register Radio Show Notes: Synod for Marriage and Family and Increasing Lifelong Faithful Marriages

Every week, I do the show notes for Register Radio. And every week, I get the chance to listen to a show that I can only call NPR interesting meets Catholic cool. I love hearing the interviews, and it’s a closer look at some of the news that I may or may not catch during the week.

This week, there was talk of the Synod happening now in Rome and an in-depth discussion of marriage. They’re conversations worth hearing, honestly. Check out my notes and see if you don’t think so too!

connecting the church

Parish Communications in New York Going to a Whole New Level

When I heard about the Archdiocese of New York’s partnership with Flocknote and eCatholic, I did a bit of dreaming. What if MY diocese did that kind of thing? It’s true, there’s drool on my keyboard as I think about it: oh, the possibilities!!! I’m not holding my breath, but I’m not losing hope.

I have been trying to get my parish to sign up with Flocknote and with eCatholic, especially after attending the Digital Church Conference about a year ago.

One of my favorite quotes in my article was from Matt Warner:

Warner hopes that this partnership will help parishes do a better job of communicating the work they’re doing. “The Church has the greatest story to tell. Every parish has a great story to tell, an ongoing story that every parishioner would love to be a part of…if only they knew how they could be. Parishes are doing amazing, inspiring things every day. But they do a bad job of communicating that to their parishioners, inspiring them to get more involved. And even from an administrative standpoint, we do a poor job of simply letting people know about the wonderful opportunities at their parish.”

Go on over and see what technology can do for parish communications. I can’t help but be a bit motivated to do some more research for my own parish!