This week, I have a special treat for you — a series of rosary posts by the wonderful and inspiring Ellen Gable Hrkach. I’ve known Ellen virtually for a few years (and hope to meet her face-to-face someday and give her a long-deserved hug!), and I loved her two novels (reviewed here and here).

Ellen is married to James Hrkach, mother to five sons ages 11-23, an award-winning novelist (Emily’s Hope; In Name Only), freelance writer, NFP teacher, Marriage Preparation instructor, homeschooling mother, and chastity teacher.

You’ll find her blogging at Plot Line and Sinker. She also writes monthly columns for Amazing and, reviews for, and a contributes frequently to Family Foundations magazine.  She and her family live in Pakenham, Ontario Canada.

Welcome, Ellen! We can’t wait to learn more about your devotion to the rosary and the wisdom you’ll be sharing with us this week!