Maybe you’ve noticed that I’m less active on Twitter and Facebook since Lent started.

It’s not that I’ve given them up for Lent (as you know if you saw my flurry of excitement the other day about my book being on Amazon and my author page), but that I’m not texting updates from my phone.

This week’s Quick Takes is what you’ve been missing…the 140-character glimpses into my days this week (because yes, I have a whole collection of “notes” now to capture some of those moments):


Sometimes, it just seems like my life is one big batch of distractions. Maybe I would deal better if I had ADD.


Few things set me straight, especially when the older kids are giving me grief, like the baby’s toothless grin.


I could’ve done without sitting on the wasp. Coffee does a fine job of easing me into the day…stings on the posterior, not so much.


My office windowsill has been transformed into a wasp graveyard. Yay for Spring!


The only thing not dribbling around here is the baby. Girls becoming very proficient at cuddling without interfering with Madness.


Not texting updates = brain using extraneous characters to describe things.


3yo is a flamingo. No, she’s a horse. No, she’s a dog. No, she’s…three.

You’ll find a whole passel of Quick Takes over at Jen’s.

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