My second daughter’s 2nd grade catechist has a habit of sending home little pieces of paper with questions on them. The questions are designed to get my daughter talking about the Mass as she prepares for First Communion.
Last week, the question was one that got our whole family talking:
What’s your favorite part of Mass?
We used it as a discussion one night at dinner, and, while there were no resoundingly deep insights, it got me thinking.
My 10yo said her favorite part of Mass was the homily. “It’s when we get to learn about what the Scripture was about.”
That made me realize how blessed we are by the priests in our lives. Padre, who just retired, gave resounding homilies that had her paying attention from a young age. Our new priest has a way of tying all the Scripture readings together and then applying it to everyday life. As a bonus, he gives us a little call to action at the end, a small thing we can do in the coming week.
Mass isn’t about the homily, it’s true. But it made me realize that my 10yo is paying attention. (A few weeks ago she took notes.)
My 8yo, the 2nd grader in question, said her favorite part of Mass was receiving Jesus in communion. Mind you, she hasn’t received Communion yet. But she’s excited, and she comes up and bows and has for years: our retired priest would bless children, and while our new priest doesn’t, I’ve told my kids that going up to say “hi” to Jesus in the Eucharist is a great thing to do.
My 4yo, always keeping it real, said, “I don’t LIKE Mass!” His favorite part is leaving. And…that’s about right, I guess. He much prefers Adoration, where we can talk and explore and he can help with inserting new candles.
My husband and I shared a look across the table, and he shrugged as he said the “Our Father” was his favorite part. How do you have a favorite part of heaven on earth? I know.
During our family conversation, I said my favorite part was the “Lamb of God.” Usually as we sing that, I feel myself honing in, getting closer to God before I’m going up to meet Him at the altar. And then, as we pray the response, “I am not worthy…,” I feel something letting go.
My soul needs Jesus, over and over. I never deserve him, and I need the reminder as often as I can get it that He loves me.
Mine is the Preface Dialogue:
“The Lord be with you.”
“And with your Spirit.”
“Lift up your hearts.”
“We lift them up to the Lord”
“Let us give thanks to the Lord, our God.”
“It is right and just.”
Mine is the Lamb of God too. Not sure why… I just feel very peaceful when we sing it.
When the bells ring at the moment of consecration!
The epiclesis – when the priest invokes the Holy Spirit over the gifts – I love the prayer for the Spirit to come down “like the dewfall” and always imagine everything, including myself covered in that gentle dew of the Holy Spirit!
Holy Communion! How unworthy we are, how merciful and gracious He is, how loving, how beautiful, how tender, how on and on and on!
One part that always stood out to me was the Creed, especially when it is chanted. The voices of the whole Church singing together, as we profess our Faith which so many have died for…
When the offerings are brought up the aisle and given to the priest. I read that this is when our intentions are also brought up to God and so I always focus really hard during this time on all the people and causes I’m praying for. Even if my kids have been loud and wiggly, this moment always tunes me back into Jesus!